About Us
Christian Book Publisher's
Call to Christian Authors

Who We Are

We're a Christian book publisher with a vision of spreading the message of God's love through the printed word. Partnering with our authors and clients, we aim to produce top-quality books that'll make a global impact for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Christian Book Publisher's Call to Authors

We encourage Christians to write for kids and teens, and to gain from the experience of getting published.

We welcome your ideas on how best to help emerging authors. Please write to us with your suggestions; go to Write Christian Books for Kids & Teens

Why It's Important to Write for Kids and Teens

Have you ever wanted to write for kids or teens? Have you, bubbling within you, ideas for stories, a joy in sharing them with youngsters, and a love of writing? Have you felt that you could pen marvelous tales or even great literature - if given a little guidance and encouragement? If so, wait no longer; start writing and we'll help you find a way to get published.

Kids and teens today need Christian writers. These are the years when lifetime decisions are being made: surveys reveal that most people who become Christians accept the Lord Jesus before they're 21 (about 86 percent); beyond this age, young people become increasingly closed to the message of the Gospel.

What is alarming, however, is that at this vulnerable age, kids are the targets of strong influences that draw them away from God rather than towards Him; think of some of the top box-office draws and bestselling books of today.

Young people are feeling a spiritual void, and they're filling it with occult books and films. More subtly, readers unconsciously absorb the writer's values and worldview, whether these are transmitted implicitly or explicitly through the story. These influences are going to echo down the years in the kinds of choices our youth make for life and eternity.

We need to outrun the competition - and it can be done. God never intended us to write pallid, preachy stuff; we were always meant to set the world on fire. We believe the best books are yet to be written - the greatest stories that'll bring hope and healing to the young people of our world.

We need to dream dreams and see visions: of the millions of readers we can influence for eternity; of the greatest children's literature yet to be written; of the many lives we can bring to Christ through the books we write. The need is urgent and it is a wonderful, worthwhile work.

For tips and ideas on how to write for kids and teens, go to:
How to Write a Story Kids & Teens Want to Read
Ideas to Help You Write the Best Books for Kids
Ideas to Help You Write Cool Stories for Preteens & Teens
How to Write a Book of Inspirational Stories for Children
Steps to Write a Book
Writing Christian Fiction: Want to Write Best Selling Christian Books?
Christian Book Publishers' Creative Story Writing Tips

Christian Book Publisher Looking for Good Manuscripts

Have you written a book for kids or teens? Are you looking for a traditional publisher - one who offers a standard publishing contract, pays royalties, and does not expect you to foot any part of the publishing expenses? If so, publish with us!

Return from About Us: Christian Book Publisher to Creative Writing: Write to Win Hearts

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